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English story لایو آموزش داستان انگلیسی بزغاله شماره ۳ کو؟ "Where is Goat Number 3?!"

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In a time long ago, two mischievous kids were the best of friends, and they went to school together each day.

One day, something exciting was on the horizon. One of the boys turned to his friend and said, "Hey, guess what? I've got a cool idea. Let's skip school tomorrow."

His friend was surprised and eager to know more, "Really? How do we do that?"

The boy pointed toward a spot in the distance and explained, "Look over there, you see those three goats grazing? Well, here's the plan: When school ends today, we'll wait until everyone leaves, and then we'll catch those goats. We'll bring them into the school. Tomorrow, when everyone comes back, they'll be so busy searching for the goats that we won't have to go to class."

His friend had doubts, "But won't they find the goats quickly? There are only three of them. Sooner or later, we'll have to go back to studying."

With a mischievous grin, the boy reassured him, "Nah, they won't find them that easily. Just watch what I have in mind."

So, they waited for the school day to end. Once everyone had left, they caught the three goats and sneakily brought them inside the school building.

Once inside, the boy announced, "Now comes the fun part," and started writing numbers on the goats.

The first goat was marked with the number "1."
The second goat was given the number "2."
And the third goat was labeled with the number "4!"

Puzzled, his friend asked, "Why did you put '4' on the third goat?"

Chuckling, the boy explained, "This is where the trick comes in. Just wait and see. Tomorrow, everyone will be searching for the missing 'Goat Number 3,' and they won't ever find it!"

The next day, both friends returned to school, and before long, the sound of a goat's bleat echoed through the halls. The whole school was in an uproar as everyone scrambled to find the goats.

Even though they eventually found the three goats, the search for "Goat Number 3" continued. Teachers and students scoured the school, but that elusive goat seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

Their clever prank had created a mystery that couldn't be solved. And in the midst of this playful tale lies a valuable lesson: Sometimes we chase after things that aren't real, just like the imaginary "Goat Number 3." It reminds us to reconsider what we're seeking and why, so we don't end up fretting over something that was never truly there.

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