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B-- Adjust Setar frets starting with Bپردهای سه تار

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Starting with the open string tuned to B natural, half tone below the standard C. The fret usually used for Dk (Re koron) is tuned down by half a tone to D+ (Re sori). Same with all other frets.. See the table below. "+" means sori (i.e. +40 cents).For those not familiar with music notation,C D E F G A B C corresponds to Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do in Solfege.پردهای سه تار نیم پرده زیر دو سل دو دو

open string C 261.6 HZ _____ B 246.9 HZ
1st fret Db 274.0 HZ _____ C 258.6 HZ
This 1st fret is sometimes missing on some setars.
2nd fret Dk 283.7 HZ _____ D+ 267.7 HZ
3rd fret D 294.3 HZ _____ Db 277.8 HZ
Eb 308.2 HZ _____ D 290.9 HZ
Ek 319.1 HZ _____ D+ 301.2 HZ
E 327.0 HZ _____ Eb 308.7 HZ
F 348.8 HZ _____ E 329.3 HZ
F# 365.3 HZ _____ F 344.8 HZ
Gk 378.2 HZ _____ F+ 357.0 HZ
G 392.4 HZ _____ F# 370.4 HZ
Ab 411.0 HZ _____ G 387.9 HZ
Ak 425.5 HZ _____ G+ 401.6 HZ
A 440.0 HZ _____ Ab 415.3 HZ
Bb 463.5 HZ_____ A 437.5 HZ
Bk 477.1 HZ _____ A+ 450.3 HZ
B 493.9 HZ _____ Bb 466.2 HZ
C 523.3 HZ _____ B 493.9 HZ

In cents:
Do_____C 0 cents s
Re bemol_____Db 80 cents s
Re koron_____Dk 60 cents s
Re_____D 64 cents s
Mi bemol_____Eb 80 cents s
Mi koron_____Ek 60 cents s
Mi_____E 42 cents s
Fa_____F 112cents s
Fa Diez_____F# 80 cents s
G koron_____Gk 60 cents s
G_____G 64 cents s
La bemol_____Ab 80 cents s
La koron_____Ak 60 cents s
La_____A 58 cents s
Si bemol_____Bb 90 cents s
Si koron_____Bk 50 cents s
Si_____B 60 cents s
Do_____C 100 cents s
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