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Vegan Salted chickpeas Salad- Shor Nakhod// طرز تهیه شورنخود

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Hi beautiful people, we hope you are having a lovely day/night wherever you are. Enjoy the video.X.

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Chickpeas 4 Cups
Boiling Hot Water 8 Cups
Garlic 4 Cloves
Onion (Medium) 2
Salt 1 Tbsp
Baking Soda 1 tsp
Potatoes (Boiled) 5
Chilly Flakes To taste
Chutney To taste

نخود 4 پیمانه
آب جوش 8 پیمانه
سیر 4 جبه
پیاز 2 عدد متوسط
نمک 1 غ
بیکینگسودا 1 ق چ
کچالو / سیب زمینی آبپزشده 5 عدد متوسط
مرچ پرک مقدار دلخواء
چتنی/ چاتنی مقدار دلخواء

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k33PqkeKs10- The following link is to a video which demonstrates the preparation of another recipe. The two eaten together, taste heavenly.

Music No copyright intended
Youtube Audio Library
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